Legacy doctype. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
Attribute “xmlns:fb” not allowed here.
The “profile” attribute on the “head” element is obsolete. To declare which “meta” terms are used in the document, instead register the names as meta extensions. To trigger specific UA behaviors, use a “link” element instead.
A document must not include more than one “meta” element with a “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “content-type”.
Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=JEP 2018&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
No space between attributes.
Quote “'” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.
A slash was not immediately followed by “>”.
“'” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value.
Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.
Duplicate attribute “href”.
Duplicate attribute “bulletin”.
Duplicate attribute “inscription”.
Duplicate attribute “ag”.
Duplicate attribute “jep”.
Duplicate attribute “2018”.
Duplicate attribute “<”.
Duplicate attribute “a><a”.
Duplicate attribute “>”.
Bad value for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Attribute “javascript:void(” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “'https:” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “73113034518346',” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “'blank',” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “'scrollbars” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “toolbar” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “width” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “height” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “)” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “">” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “bulletin” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “inscription” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ag” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “jep” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “2018” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “<” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “a><a” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “>” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “a>"” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Bad value “ 2018” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
“=” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value.
“"” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value.
Attribute “a>&url” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=OBSERVATOIRE DE LA FPI - LES CHIFFRES DU 3EME TRIMESTRE 2017&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “ DE LA FPI - LES CHIFFRES DU 3EME TRIMESTRE 2017” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=Les rencontres du Green Building&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “ rencontres du Green Building” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=Alexandra François-Cuxac sur BFM TV - 20/09/2017&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “ François-Cuxac sur BFM TV - 20/09/2017” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=CONGRES 2017 DE LA FPI FRANCE&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Duplicate attribute “de”.
Duplicate attribute “la”.
Duplicate attribute “vidéo”.
Duplicate attribute “présentation”.
Duplicate attribute “pour”.
Duplicate attribute “françois-cuxac”.
Duplicate attribute “dans”.
Duplicate attribute “le”.
Duplicate attribute “juillet,”.
Duplicate attribute “du”.
Duplicate attribute “ici”.
Duplicate attribute “visionner”.
Duplicate attribute “par”.
Duplicate attribute “les”.
Duplicate attribute “en”.
Duplicate attribute “fpi”.
Duplicate attribute “des”.
Duplicate attribute “l’article”.
Duplicate attribute “06”.
Duplicate attribute “07 :”.
Duplicate attribute “jacques”.
Duplicate attribute “mézard”.
Duplicate attribute “et”.
Duplicate attribute “immo”.
Duplicate attribute “mézard,”.
Duplicate attribute “ ministre”.
Duplicate attribute “cohésion”.
Duplicate attribute “congrès”.
Duplicate attribute “été”.
Duplicate attribute “figaro”.
Duplicate attribute “moniteur”.
Duplicate attribute “business”.
Duplicate attribute “(cliquez”.
Duplicate attribute “ici),”.
Duplicate attribute “batiactu”.
Duplicate attribute “radio”.
Duplicate attribute “2017”.
Duplicate attribute “sur”.
Duplicate attribute “pyramides”.
Duplicate attribute “2017 le”.
Duplicate attribute “presse”.
Duplicate attribute “résultats”.
Duplicate attribute “d'or”.
Attribute “un” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “immeuble,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “une” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “oeuvre" la” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “vidéo” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “de” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “présentation” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “la” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “plateforme” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “des” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “emplois” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “fpi” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “france la” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “fondation” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “fpi grand” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “témoin” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “:” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “sonia” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “lavadinho,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “chercheur,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “fondatrice” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “bfluid quels” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “défis” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “pour” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ville” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “demain” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “?” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “interventions” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “bruno” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “marzloff,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “sociologue” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “et” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “manuelle” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “gautrand,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “architecte intervention” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “jean-louis” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “missikala” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “presse” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “en” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “parle” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “special” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “congres cliquez” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ici” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “visionner” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “l’interview” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “d’alexandra” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “françois-cuxac” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “du” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “5” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “juillet,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “dans” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “le” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “cadre” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “l’émission” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ good” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “morning” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “business,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “présentée” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “par” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “aurélie” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “planeix,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “sur” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “bfm” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “business. ” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “alexandra” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “a” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “été” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “interviewée” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “matinale” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “d’europe” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “1,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “suite” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “aux” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “annonces” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ premier” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ministre. cliquez” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “les” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “interviews” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “menées” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “journalistes” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “radio” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “immo,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “réalisées” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “direct” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ pendant” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “congrès” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “france. cliquez” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “consulter” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “l’article” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “paru” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “moniteur” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “06” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “07 :” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “« construction” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “jacques” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “mézard” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “favorable” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ à” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “simplification” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “normes » cliquez” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “lire” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “publié” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “batiactu” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “« devant” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “fpi,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “annonce” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “"une” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ politique” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “valorisant” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “l'innovation" » ” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ cliquez” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “vidéos” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “publiées” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “journal” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “l’agence” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “(discours” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “intégral” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “mézard,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ ministre” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “cohésion” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “territoires” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “minute” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “immo” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “avec” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “a.françois-cuxac). cliquez” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “publiée” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “business” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “à” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “l’occasion” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “discours” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “territoires,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “lors” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “fpi (un” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “abonnement” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “premium” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “est” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “nécessaire” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ visionner” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “vidéo). les” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “résultats” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “pyramides” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “d’or” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “2017” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ont” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “notamment” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “relayés” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “figaro” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “(dans” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “« le” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “vous »,” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ paru” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “6” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “juillet)” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “(cliquez” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ici),” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ici)” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “ici). le” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “programme” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “complet” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “47ème” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “france la” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “chronique” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “"spécial” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “fpi" les” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “tweets” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “twitter” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “@fpi_fr le” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “magazine” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “passion” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “bâtir” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “juin” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “2017 le” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “livre” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “d'or” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “communiqué” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “annoncant” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Attribute “2017"” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Bad value “ 2017 DE LA FPI FRANCE” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Attribute “2017&url” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=PASSION BATIR - JUIN 2017&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “ BATIR - JUIN 2017” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “ ici pour lire le magazine Passion Bâtir de Juin 2017&url=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=LE LIVRE DES PYRAMIDES D'OR 2017&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “ LIVRE DES PYRAMIDES D'OR 2017&summary=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “ LIVRE DES PYRAMIDES D'OR 2017” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=BFM BUSINESS - ALEXANDRA FRANCOIS-CUXAC : BILAN DU 1ER SEMESTRE &body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “mailto:?to=&subject=L'IMMOBILIER AU COEUR - ALEXANDRA FRANCOIS-CUXAC&body=” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Bad value “'IMMOBILIER AU COEUR - ALEXANDRA FRANCOIS-CUXAC” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Saw “<” when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Missing “>” immediately before.
An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
Attribute with the local name “xmlns:fb” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.
The “banner” role is unnecessary for element “header”.
Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.
Attribute “javascript:void(” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “'https:” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “73113034518346',” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “'blank',” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “'scrollbars” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “)” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “">” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “2018” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “<” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “a><a” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “>” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “a>"” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “a>&url” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “immeuble,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “oeuvre" la” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “france la” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “fpi grand” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “:” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “lavadinho,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “chercheur,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “bfluid quels” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “?” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “marzloff,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “gautrand,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “architecte intervention” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “congres cliquez” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “l’interview” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “d’alexandra” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “5” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “juillet,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “l’émission” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ good” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “business,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “planeix,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “business. ” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “d’europe” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “1,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ premier” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ministre. cliquez” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “immo,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ pendant” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “france. cliquez” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “l’article” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “06” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “07 :” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “« construction” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ à” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “normes » cliquez” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “« devant” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “fpi,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “"une” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ politique” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “l'innovation" » ” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ cliquez” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “l’agence” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “(discours” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “mézard,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ ministre” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “a.françois-cuxac). cliquez” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “l’occasion” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “territoires,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “fpi (un” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ visionner” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “vidéo). les” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “d’or” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “2017” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “(dans” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “« le” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “vous »,” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ paru” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “6” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “juillet)” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “(cliquez” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ici),” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ici)” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “ici). le” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “47ème” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “france la” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “"spécial” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “fpi" les” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “@fpi_fr le” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “2017 le” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “d'or” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “2017"” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
Attribute “2017&url” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
The “complementary” role is unnecessary for element “aside”.